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This project gives an overview of the grand opening event for Lauren’s Wedding and Event Planning business. The event will take place on September 16th at 2851 N Main St, Waterbury, CT, 06704 from 1:00 pm to 5:00pm. I have chosen the Waterbury Community club for multiple reasons. These include, (1) Waterbury is where my business will be based because there are not nearly as many wedding planners in the city as there are in surrounding cities, and (2) the community club is a place that people know well and it will show that I care about the community and local businesses. My goal for “Anticipation” is to reach out to the community through social media, as well as through bridal shows and having the vendors who will be attending advertise. I have event pages on social media and I have business cards, fliers, and brochures to give out to anyone I meet in person. People will be directed to register on the facebook event page because there is a limited number of people who may attend. I am going to market this event mainly towards soon-to-be brides and grooms, but I will welcome others.


The event will have a “Hollywood” theme, which means the décor, activities, and food will give guests the feeling that they are at a movie premiere or something similar as they “Arrive”. They will receive goodie bags filled with a day planner, coupons, and room for free samples of vendor items. For “Amusement” the vendors that are attending will be actually showing what they offer through taking pictures of the guests on a red carpet, playing music, arranging the event flowers and more. For “Appetite”, the caterer will create delicious hors d’oeuvres that will be like a mini version of the full meals they can provide. The vendors will also have booths to answer guests’ questions, give out samples, and hold giveaways of discounts and more to their business. Everything is free except for the biggest prize, which is a gift basket filled with every giveaway prize included free consultation by Lauren’s WEP. Guests can purchase raffle tickets for a chance to win the prize. All proceeds go to the CT Fund for the Environment. I have chosen this charity because I love nature and it needs to be preserved. Many take the environment for granted. We plan many outdoor weddings and think that nature is always perfect, but it stays beautiful because of the CT Fund for the Environment. For “Appreciation” guests will leave with their gift bags full of free items, a thank you note for attending, and a mind full of fun memories. 2 weeks after the event I will be sending out emails with another “thank you” as well as invites to seminars I will be holding and more info about my business.


Through this event I want to show potential clients what I can do, as well as what Waterbury’s local businesses can do. Many may not believe that they can have a glamorous wedding without having a large budget, but I want to show them that if they pick the correct vendors, planner, and organize themselves, they can have a Hollywood style wedding without the Hollywood price tag. I want brides of every budget to know that even though a wedding planner costs money, I will be able to plan a wedding on budget that they never knew they could have without pouring in hours upon hours of work. That is why my mission statement is to provide a quality experience and memorable event at the right price for every bride, all throughout Connecticut. My goal is to create a reputation for my business that shows that I can do any type of wedding on any budget and have it look amazing. Quality is key.

2851 N Main Street, Waterbury, CT, 06704

Tel: 203-206-1461


© 2017 by Sweet Peach Wedding & Event Planning. Proudly created with

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